- click on book cover
above: cover of book with
marqueterie de verre
by Emile Galle.
If you are looking for
Marqueterie de Verre
it is sometimes for sale
on eBay. You may find
some by clicking
Pate de Verre
or you could try
Galle Glass
Marqueterie de Verre: from
the Glass Encyclopedia
Marqueterie de Verre: A short explanation
Marqueterie de verre has been described as the pinnacle of Emile Galle's acheivements in glass. In April 1898 Galle filed a patent for his marqueterie de verres ou cristaux.
The technique involved shaping pieces of hot glass and pressing them into the molten surface of a glass vase, bowl, or other object, and then working with and decorating the vessel to create the final design.
There were often ten or more pieces inserted into one vessel. The technique was inspired by the process of marquetry used by wood workers. The dragonfly coupe shown on the book cover above left is an example of this art at its finest.
If you are looking for Marqueterie de Verre, you can sometimes find a rare item on ebay under Galle glass. Click Galle Glass. But remember to be cautious as sellers can make a mistake in identifying Galle glass.